Pledge for Park is a fundraiser for San Mateo Park Elementary, which runs all school year and is strictly a monetary donation option. If you have an employer that matches donations, this is a great opportunity to increase your donation to our school with your employers help.
Pledge for Park funds go towards:
New enrichment programs for our kids (Some of the wonderful enrichment programs we are fundraising for this year include: BrainPop accounts (TK-5th), Handwriting Without Tears for TK - 1st, Marathon Kids (TK-5th) and Summer Reading Book Program (TK-5th).)
Chromebooks and other classroom technology resources
Classroom support
Mr Silver's Garden
Field Trips and transportation
There are three easy ways to donate:
Online using the form below.
In person – Cash or checks can be dropped at the San Mateo Park School front office during regular school hours
By Mail - Checks made out to 'San Mateo Park School PTA' can be mailed to: San Mateo Park School PTA, 161 Clark Dr, San Mateo, CA 94402.
Reminder - All of the monetary donations you make to San Mateo Park Elementary are tax deductible (Tax ID: 94-6174393). If you need a letter for your employer for company matching, please email us at smparkpta@gmail.com