Park Panthers
Hello Park Panthers!
We are so excited to get the 2024-2025 school year started. Welcome to the new school year!
Our PTA Membership Drive is underway. Please consider joining the PTA today. Your $10 donation helps the Park School PTA start the year strong.
We look forward to a fun-filled year. Panthers are stronger together!
-Your Park School PTA
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Help raise funds to increase enrichment programs to all students, improve the resources to our staff/classrooms and expand the tools available for our children to learn.
Click below for more information on this fundraiser. You can also see how you can do company matching.
Let's make San Mateo Park Elementary PAW-tastic!

Spirit Wear
Get in the Panther Spirit and put on your Panther gear!​​
You can bring your completed order form and payment to the school office. Pay with cash or check (made payable to San Mateo Park PTA),
Orders will be fulfilled and sent home with your child via their teacher.
Fridays are a favorite day for wearing your Panther Pride gear!